Who To Follow in the NBA this year! Rocketman breaks it down for you in several different ways!
Who to follow in the NBA this year! Top NBA Sports Handicappers!
We are going to look into who has done well in NBA here at the Rocketman site in a few different ways. Simply click on the cappers name and it will take you directly to their page on my site! I do believe more of our cappers cash major, major money in the NBA than any other sport! Now is the time for you to make a killing following the right handicappers!
I crush the NBA year after year personally! I will have another HUGE season!
Rocky’s Lock Club will crush the NBA again too! Lock Club is 123-76 62% in the first 2 months of the season since 2013!
Let’s start with last years results in NBA in net units won.
1. John Martin 302-241 55.6% +4,195 units
2. Alex Smart 238-189 55.7% +3,458 units
3. Will Rogers 188-148 56% +2,809 units
4. Stephen Nover 126-97 56.5% +1,934 units
5. Jeff Allen 80-58 58% +1,760 units
Now, let’s check last years Top 5 NBA in Winning %.
1. Jeff Allen 80-58 58%
2. Jesse Schule 81-60 57.5%
3. Stephen Nover 126-97 56.5%
Ok, now let’s look more Long Term on who are the best Long Term NBA Handicappers.
Long term Top NBA Cappers Net Units won.
1. Jeff Alexander 1592-1354 54% +13,097 units
2. Matt Fargo 1239-1064 53.8% +9,509 units
3. Jack Jones 1314-1139 53.6% +9,087 units
4. Steve Merrill 797-658 54.8% +8,636 units
5. Mr. East 1795-1586 53.1% +8,522 units
Long Term Top NBA Cappers in Winning %!
3. Alex Smart 183-136 57.4%
4. Will Rogers 195-149 56.7%
5. Jeff Allen 301-238 55.8%
Long Term TOP NBA Cappers (SIDES) By Winning %.
1. Will Rogers 129-74 63.5%
2. Rocky’s Lock Club 203-147 58%
3. Alex Smart 158-115 57.9%
4. Art Aronson 239-183 56.6%
5. Don Anthony 160-124 56.3%
Long Term TOP NBA Cappers (TOTALS) By Winning %.
1. TJ Pemberton 28-14 66.7%
2. Jim Feist 43-22 66.2%
3. Totals Guru 64-42 60.4%
4. Carolina Sports 88-59 59.9%
5. Stephen Nover 99-70 58.6%
Long Term TOP NBA Cappers (SIDES) By Net units won.
1. Jack Jones 713-582 55.1% +9,199 units
2. Matt Fargo 1118-956 53.9% +9,004 units
3. Jeff Alexander 1264-1091 53.7% +8,775 units
4. John Martin 896-760 54.1% +8,276 units
5. Stephen Nover 546-440 55.4% +6,295 units
Long Term TOP NBA Cappers (TOTALS) By Net units won.
1. Mr. East 740-573 56.4% +12,281 units
2. Jeff Alexander 315-243 56.5% +5,183 units
3. Brandon Lee 271-206 56.8% +4,838 units
4. Rocky’s Lock Club 183-132 58.1% +4,043 units
5. Jesse Schule 184-134 57.9% +3,948 units
Hope this helps everyone out. Keep this email so you have this info for the season! Go ahead and make your purchases and save money by buying seasonal packages.
Thanks and good luck this year! Join me as I go for my 19th winning Overall year out of the past 21 years!
Rocky Atkinson
Rocketman Sports